FFF Workshop

The 3rd FFF-MS Workshop will this time be linked to the Nano & Environment Conference ICEENN 2015. The workshop is organized as cooperation between the University of Vienna (Department of Environmental Geosciences) and the Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG, Department G2 - Aquatic Chemistry, Koblenz, Germany). It will be organized as a preceding event of the 10th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials. It is designed for PhD students and scientist who are working the field of colloid and nanomaterial analysis.
Part I (first day – free of charge) will start with 2-3 survey lectures given by experts in the field followed by scientific presentation of the attendees, discussions and a session with interactive elements. Attendees who contribute scientific presentations will have the possibility to get travel costs reimbursed. In order to guarantee optimal conditions during the workshop it is restricted to a maximum of 30 participants (application required).
Part II of the workshop (second day – 280 €) is optional and will contain practical lab work. The University of Vienna (Environmental Geosciences) has several FFF systems (flow and centrifugal) and on-line coupled detectors (e.g., SLS, DLS, ICP-MS) available where users can collect practical experience and further discuss existing problems (restricted to: 10 participants, application required).
Further information on registration and the program is now available here.
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