Abstract Submission
Online submission of abstracts has now been closed. If you have any questions please contact the Eventmanagement of the University of Vienna, ulla.schroettner@univie.ac.at.
Abstract submission opens on March 15th, 2015.
Abstracts for presentations must be submitted using the online submission form (you can copy and paste i.e. from a word file or an editor). The abstract should be no longer than 2.500 characters (incl. spaces) and should be submitted in English, figures are not allowed.
The abstract has to be assigned to one of the following Topics:
A Analysis of nanomaterials B Release and transformations including its effects on aging, behavior and fate C Toxicology and ecotoxicology D Natural colloids and related processes E Social, ethical and regulatory aspects F Innovation and applications of nanotechnology to environmental issues
Please indicate whether you have an invited talk, or whether you wish to upload a poster / oral contribution.
Deadline for the submission was May 10th, 2015 (23:59 CET).
Notifications will be sent on June 1st , 2015.
If you have probems with the abstract submission please contact the Eventmanagement of the University of Vienna: congress@univie.ac.at or visit the technical support page!